Junior Tennis Programs
The player development pathway focuses on fun while building technical and competitive skills and encouraging social interaction. Your child benefits from personalized attention in a professional atmosphere where his or her strengths and goals are maximized
Red Ball
Ages 6 & under. An introductory class focusing on gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination and a basic introduction to tennis played on a 36' court. Recommended racquet size: 19"-23".

Orange Ball
Ages 9 & under. Players will work on racket skills and mechanics, consistency and accuracy while learning to "construct" points during match play on a 60" court. Classes will be focused on footwork and proper technique. Games and drills will prepare this player for more competitive rallies. Recommended racquet size: 23" to 25"Green Ball
Ages 13 & under. Players at this level graduate to a full 78" court. Rally skills, cooperative drills, point play, and fitness are emphasized. Recommended racquet size: 25" to 26"
Junior Development
This program emphasizes more competitive skill building by learning basic patterns and strategies in preparation for match play competitions.
LifeSport Tennis Academy - Tournament Training
This program is designed for players participating in tournaments and/or their HS Tennis Team. The class includes a fitness component in every practice and emphasizes mental toughness, discipline and strategy. Participation in this class must be approved by the Tennis Director. Tue 04:30 PM to 06:30 PMThu 04:00 PM to 06:00 PM
Sat 09:30 AM to 11:30 AM

This program is designed for a more intense level of training. It is geared for players participating in local tournaments and/or their high school teams. Emphasis on advanced technical skills for singles and doubles play.Not sure what class is right for you?
Schedule a free consultation with a member services professional, and we will help find the right program for you.